The Explainable Business Process (XBP) - An Exploratory Research


  • Riham Alhomsi
  • Adriana Santarosa Vivacqua



business process, explainability, explainable business process


Providing explanations to the business process, its decisions and its activities, is an important key factor for the process in order to achieve the business objectives of the business process, and to minimize and deal with the ambiguity of the business process that causes multiple interpretations, as well as to engender the appropriate trust of the users in the process. As a first step towards adding explanations to business process, we present an exploratory study to bring in the concept of explainability into business process, where we propose a conceptual framework to use the explainability with business process in a model that we called the Explainable Business Process XBP, furthermore we propose the XBP lifecycle based on the Model-based and Incremental Knowledge Engineering (MIKE) approach, in order to show in details the phase where explainability can take a place in business process lifecycle, noting that we focus on explaining the decisions and activities of the process in its as-is model without transforming it into a to-be model.


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How to Cite

Alhomsi, R., & Santarosa Vivacqua, A. (2021). The Explainable Business Process (XBP) - An Exploratory Research. Revista De Informática Teórica E Aplicada, 28(1), 78–96.



Special Issue on Business Process Management