Self-awareness and transcendence in the management of human talent in educational institutions in post-pandemic scenarios




human dimensions, human talent management, human potential development, optimism, resilience.


The article emphasizes the importance of three human dimensions in optimizing management skills to guide teachers and students toward better states of well-being at work and overcoming the educational crisis left by the 2020/21 pandemic. It’s based on the human potential strengths (Aspinwall & Staudinger, 2003) like an essential attribute and role to an organization’s intangible assets (Pike et al, 2005) and the model of happiness or meaningful life (Frankl, 1985; Seligman, 2003). To improve human educational talent administration, a principal must know what the dimensions of the human condition are, and how to develop capacities to manage them to implement strategies resulting in the institution’s well-being. We conclude by inducing the implementation of optimism, as it is a strategy needed to face the crisis left by the lockdown, the desertion of thousands of students, and technology increasingly replacing teachers.



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Biografia do Autor

Omar Cabrales Salazar, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Docente de planta

Facultad de educación y humanidades

Jorge Antonio Bermúdez, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Facultad de Educación y Humanidades

Bogotá, Colombia


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Como Citar

Cabrales Salazar, O., & Bermúdez, J. A. (2022). Self-awareness and transcendence in the management of human talent in educational institutions in post-pandemic scenarios. Revista Brasileira De Política E Administração Da Educação - Periódico científico Editado Pela ANPAE, 38(00).